Luminox Reloj Anal贸gico para Unisex Adulto de Autom谩tico con Correa en Poliuretano XS.3503.NSF

For sale is a Luminox XS.3051.GO. NSF. Blackout Luminox with Navy Seal Foundation colormark on stainless steel caseback. Diameter is 44mm, excluding crown, and thickness is approximately 14mm.Watch was purchased new in December, 2022. It is in perfect condition EXCEPT for two hairline scratches on the very top portion of the mineral crystal. One is very small, while the other is of reasonable length. Both are very thin, not deep, and can only be seen from certain light angles. Please refer to the last photo in the listing. The band is brand new, it was never worn. Watch comes with the original Luminox box. Feel free to message me with questions , or to request more photos. I am happy to answer!

Luminox Reloj Anal贸gico para Unisex Adulto de Autom谩tico con Correa en Poliuretano XS.3503.NSF

Precio: 371,94€
as of octubre 3, 2023 4:41 am

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Luminox Reloj Anal贸gico para Unisex Adulto de Autom谩tico con Correa en Poliuretano XS.3503.NSF
Luminox Reloj Anal贸gico para Unisex Adulto de Autom谩tico con Correa en Poliuretano XS.3503.NSF

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